Meet The Artist.

A short film revealing a little of my personal history, my early career and development of my tattoo style, the origin of my book, Ancient Tattoo Revival, my experiences in the jungle and more.

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Meraki Fade.

My name is Meraki Fade. I'm a contemporary tattoo artist and freelance tattoo anthropologist based in Brighton UK. I have been fortunate to tattoo worldwide at conventions and as a guest. I have studied both contemporary and ancient tribal hand tapped tattoo methods for 14 years while living with some of the most remote tattooing tribes around our planet. I recorded interviews with tattooists, tribes, head hunters and historians in Borneo, West Sumatra, Easter Island, America and Europe. These have been published in multiple UK tattoo magazines.

When travel and public events are permitted I will be rescheduling my exhibitions in NY and lecturing at the New York Folk Art Society.

I'm really pleased to announce that I will be releasing a book on tattoo anthropology and my travel journey studying this ancient art form while living from my rucksack in longhouses with tribes in Borneo and Mentawai throughout my 20s then studying archeology and history of Rapa Nui and the Moai stone heads, on the remote Pacific island known as Easter island. The Moai are not only ancient stone heads weighing around 12 tones each. some have bodies buried underground up to their necks and their backs are covered with tattoo engravings which helps us understand the culture who made the Moai 700 years ago. I conducted my research meeting the last bloodline tattooist to original Rapa Nui. I sailed from Easter island to Tahiti in a 72ft boat with a crew of 14 women for 21 days and 4000km across the south Pacific ocean while doing marine science for one of the ocean conservation NGOs I an ambassador to. When every border in the world closed in March 2020 we were mid south Pacific as the pandemic hit the world, we were sailing into an uncertain future.

Do take a look at the sample extract of my book featured on this website. Just click here.

Meraki Fade
Tattooist - Archivist - Anthropologist